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Investment research and analysis

Take advantage of our expertise and view our in-house research, analysis and insights, designed to be easy-to-understand for experienced investors or if you're just getting started.

Just getting started?

When you invest for the first time, you are embarking on an important journey that should enable you to take control of your future and achieve your financial and lifestyle goals. Yet while investing is exciting, it can also seem daunting if you have had no prior experience.

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The Discovery Shortlist

With so many funds available it can be difficult to know where to begin when choosing investments to start building an investment portfolio. The Discovery Shortlist is one way to help investors narrow down from the 1000’s of funds available to a more manageable starting point.

Chosen by our Investment Research Team, the shortlist of third party funds is designed to assist investors in creating diversified, well-balanced portfolios. The Discovery Shortlist is based on in-depth research and analysis and is comprised of funds across all the major sectors that our specialist team view as interesting long-term investment opportunities.

To access our Discovery Shortlist you'll need to register with us.

All investments carry risk. Their value will go up and down and you could get back less than you invested.

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