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Socially Responsible Investment Service

What our Socially Responsible Investment Service offers

Our SRI portfolios are segregated, discretionary portfolios, invested where possible in direct securities to give you greater transparency and lower cost.

The service combines our same global, multi-asset class approach, but with consideration of company products and services, and ethical, environmental, social and governance factors (ESG) in the selection of portfolio securities. With a directly invested portfolio, you have complete clarity of your holdings and the portfolio can be tailored to reflect your specific values. Our investment framework is based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goals).

We categorise the Goals into four impact and investment themes:

  • Social empowerment
  • Environmental protection
  • Health
  • Economic

Our investment process screens out companies that do not align with the Goals, whilst positively identifying investments that promote the Goals, either through the products or services they make or how they conduct themselves as firms. We have developed the ‘The Close Brothers SRI screen’, a proprietary model that ranks global securities based on these factors.

The resulting SRI universe then undergoes the same deep, fundamental assessment of value and attractiveness as all of our investments to create the buy-able SRI universe, from which our SRI portfolios are built.

The portfolios are:

  • Invested in a combination of direct shares and third party funds
  • Reviewed, assessed and approved by our SRI team and analysts with expertise across all asset classes
  • Actively managed within a framework of institutional discipline
  • Based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
  • Reinforced by tailored reporting that allows you to understand impact at both company and portfolio level

How we work with you

The portfolios are actively managed within a framework of institutional discipline and a collegial culture. And as a client, you will enjoy the highest levels of service from us.

We listen carefully to what our clients have to say about the ways they would prefer to invest. Increasingly, clients are telling us that they want their investments to help build a more sustainable future, as well as generate a financial return.

Our SRI portfolios aim to maximise returns by investing in global businesses within pre-agreed investment risk constraints and with consideration for wider social, environmental and governance issues.

Our rigorous investment process

  1. Strategic asset allocation

    A long-term strategic asset allocation framework, directly aligned to your agreed risk profile.

  2. Tactical asset allocation

    Shorter-term, tactical asset allocation of every asset class, reflecting the current market landscape.

  3. SRI security universe

    Identification of companies that have revenues that are thematically aligned the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  4. SRI portfolio

    Meticulous security selection based on valuation and ESG analysis in order to meet SRI and return objectives.

  5. Regular reviews

    Regular ethical reviews to monitor the operational activities of companies.

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Speak to us
For more information about our Socially Responsible Investment Service call us. Calls may be recorded.
Principles for Responsible Investment

The PRI is the world's leading proponent of responsible investment.

As a signatory of the UN-supported PRI we are committed to improving the way we measure, report and manage ESG issues throughout our investment activities.

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.